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Beginning September 3, 2025 we are again focusing our attention on the letters of Paul the Apostle. This will be Part 2 of our three year series and we'll be discussing Paul's letters to the Corinthians.

As you are probably aware, the letters Paul wrote to Corinth that we have in our bibles are the longest letters of Paul that we possess. It follows then, that the Corinthian letters figure prominently in the shaping of our understanding of Paul's message.

And his message, whatever we might think that is, has historically been for the church, not only central to shaping the message of the New Testament, but is often found in the middle of religious and theological controversy.


General Admission: $99 per person +fee


  1. Admission to all 32 weeks of live discussion

  2. Unlimited access to the video recordings of each session

  3. Handouts and other materials

  4. Access to the private Facebook group


Beginning Wednesday, September 3, 2025
12-1:30p PDT

How often

Same time every Wednesday, for 32 weeks.

About the Class

Like our previous discussions of Hebrews and the Apocalypse, this event will be a unique experience offering a panel of six to nine highly qualified biblical scholars and theologians contributing insights and perspectives .

We invite you to join our panel each week as we journey into Paul’s early letters and open our hearts to what the Spirit is saying to us.

As usual, registrants will have unlimited access to stream the video recordings of the 32 week series. Each session will be available 48 hours after the live webinar. These recordings are free to all registrants but can only be obtained if you register by midnight, Sept 24. Otherwise, you will have to wait until April 2025 until they are available for purchase. We will also have audio-only files of the class which you will be able to download to your device.

A private Facebook page will be created where the class can continue the conversation. Panelists will also visit the page from time to time contributing to the discussion.

*** An opportunity for graduate studies credit ***

Dr. Bradley Jersak will personally supervise qualified students who would like to earn three credit hours through St. Stephen's University's ( Master of Ministries program. The accredited cohort will be capped at 25 students, so if you are interested, please contact Brad before April 1 at

the panel

Fr John Behr, Julie Canlis, Douglas Campbell, Chris Green, Brad Jersak, Sr Vassa Larin, John MacMurray, Cherith Nordling, Kenneth Tanner, Paul Young, and Brian Zahnd. Hover over the images below to read a short bio.

Fr John Behr
Fr. John Behr is the Regius Professor of Humanity at the University of Aberdeen, previously having been at St Vladimir’s Seminary, New York, where he also served as Dean. His publications include an edition and translation of Origen’s On First Principles and a study of the Gospel of John.

Cherith Nordling
Cherith is a theologian, writer, and mentor in Christian formation with a Ph. D. from the University of St. Andrews. Most recently she served as Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois. She also taught for five years at Calvin College and Seminary while serving as Co-Director of Christian Formation with her husband, Robert. She has taught as adjunct professor at numerous other institutions and continues as a seasonal lecturer for Regent College, Vancouver, BC and for the YWAM Masters Program in Christian Formation.

Kenneth Tanner
Kenneth is pastor of Church of the Holy Redeemer in Rochester Hills, Michigan, where he lives with his wife and seven children. His writing has appeared in “Books & Culture”, “Huffington Post”, “Sojourners”, “National Review”, “Christianity Today”, “Behemoth”, and “Real Clear Religion.”

John MacMurray
John is the founder and director of the Northwest School of Theology and the Open Table Conferences. Formerly an adjunct professor in Bible Literature, he now speaks internationally, and writes. His books include “A Spiritual Evolution” and “Father Fiction” (co-written with Donald Miller). He is also a landscape nature photographer, published in National Geographic, Sierra Club, and Audubon.

Dr. Brad Jersak
Brad is an author and teacher based in Abbotsford, Canada. He is editor-in-chief of “Christianity Without the Religion” magazine and teaches at Westminster Theological Centre. He is also the author of over a dozen books, including “Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God Who Speaks” and “A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel.”

Chris E.W. Green

Chris is Professor of Public Theology at Southeastern University (Lakeland, FL), Director of St Anthony Institute for Theology and Philosophy, and Teaching Pastor at Sanctuary Church (Tulsa, OK). He and his wife Julie live in Tulsa with their kids, Zoë, Clive, and Emery. Chris has written extensively, his most recent book being the revised edition of Sanctifying Interpretation: Vocation, Holiness, Scripture. 

Douglas Campbell

Professor of New Testament & Director of the Prison Program at The Divinity School, Duke University (Durham NC USA)

Douglas was born in London to transplanted New Zealanders but was raised primarily in NZ when his parents returned there when he was 3.

He did both his Masters and PhD studies at the University of Toronto. However, at his first position at the University of Otago, Dunedin NZ, where he taught for seven years, he met Alan Torrance and in Douglas’ words “that friendship changed his life”.  

Douglas also taught at King’s College London for seven years before taking a position at Duke University where he still currently teaches. He has also written five books during his tenure at Duke.

Douglas is the Co-Director of the Prison Program at Duke and with his wife Rachel, strongly supports several individuals who are currently doing time. 

Visiting Panelists

Sr Vassa Larin

Sister Vassa Larin (born Barbara Larin, December 11, 1970 in Nyack, New York) is a Russian Orthodox liturgiologist. She is author of many scholarly articles and books, including, most recently, Praying in Time. The Hours & Days in Step with Orthodox Christian Tradition. She is also host of the online catechetical programs and YouTube channel, "Coffee with Sister Vassa." Her online-mission includes a daily Newsletter (with a brief reflection on Scripture), a weekly audio-podcast called “Monday Morning Coffee” (on the feasts, saints, and Scripture-passages of the week), an ongoing video-course on Divine Liturgy, available on

Brian Zahnd

Brian is the lead pastor of Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri, which he and his wife Peri founded in 1981. He is the author of several books including “Water to Wine”, “Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God”, and “Postcards from Babylon.” His favorite activity is spending time with their three sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren.

Julie Canlis

Julie is married to Matt, stays at home with their four children, and teaches Sunday School for 11-13 year olds. She likes her food slow, and her church slower. Along with Matt, she has been instrumental in the writing of the small group curriculum for Godspeed to help churches translate the Scottish documentary onto their own soil. In addition to the above, Julie teaches at Whitworth University, published her PhD as Calvin’s Ladder: A Spiritual Theology of Ascent and Ascension (Templeton Prize; Christianity Today Award of Merit), and most recently, A Theology of the Ordinary.


Classes are held Wednesdays, from 12 - 1:30p PDT.

September, 2025

3rd - Introduction

10th - I Corinthians 1

17th - I Corinthians 2

24th - I Corinthians 3


1st - I Corinthians 4

8th - I Corinthians 5

15th - I Corinthians 6

22nd - I Corinthians 7

29th - I Corinthians 8


5th - I Corinthians 9

12th - I Corinthians 10

19th - I Corinthians 11

26th - I Corinthians 12


3rd – I Corinthians 13

10th – I Corinthians 14

17th – I Corinthians 15

24th - No Class - Holiday Break

31st – No Class - Holiday Break

January, 2026

7th - Review - I Corinthians 16 - Summary

14th - Introduction to II Corinthians

21st - II Corinthians 1

28th - II Corinthians 2


4th - II Corinthians 3

11th - II Corinthians 4

18th - II Corinthians 5

25th - II Corinthians 6


4th - II Corinthians 7

11th - II Corinthians 8

18th - II Corinthians 9

25th - II Corinthians 10


1st - II Corinthians 11

8th - II Corinthians 12

15th - II Corinthians 13

22nd - Review - Summary

Online Class

We are using Zoom

Zoom video conference software has quickly become one of the number one ways to connect people, either for personal or business use, during this world-wide crisis. We will be using Zoom to bring the class to you live, and we will be recording every class so you can watch it all again later.

Zoom is free to use. Click the link below to learn more.


When does registration for the class close?

September 20 at midnight Pacific time.

Do I have to be online for the entire webinar?

No, every session will be recorded. We encourage you to tune in to as many live sessions as possible.

How do I access the video recordings?

Within a couple of days after class begins, those registered will receive a link and password to access the recordings.

Is the fee per household?

No. The $99 registration fee is per device (computer, tablet, or phone).

Do you have a schedule?

We will post the schedule in the near future.

When will I receive the link to the webinar?

You will receive instructions and the link to the Zoom webinar within 24 hours of the event. You will also receive reminders of the event.

Can we ask questions during the sessions?

Yes, this is interactive. Participants will be able to submit questions through Zoom’s Q&A function during each discussion session. The chat button will also be activated for the questions and comments the final 30 minutes.